Our fulfillment hour aims to build a community of small Bible study units whose members develop relationships through fellowship and study as they devoutly love, follow, and model Christ. Through studying Christ, members will exhibit a genuine love and concern for all God's people and commit to teaching and training in Kingdom building here on Earth.

In order to reach our target audience and develop them into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ, we feel that New Covenant Family Center Baptist Church must have the following priorities:
C Christ-Like attitude toward all people at all times.
O Objectives are to build a healthy community balanced in
the areas of:
4. Ministry
5. Fellowship (Act 2:42-47)
V Vision to see a church that is conforming to God’s word and
exemplified in a Christ-Like life (Act 2:17)
E Edification of the Building up of Believers (Ephesians 4:12)
N Nurture the needs of God’s people physically and spiritually
(Matthew 25:35) 
A Atmosphere provided for people to value their freedom
and enjoy worshiping God in a casual and exciting atmosphere of excellence (Psalms 100)
N Notice the People, Value Relationships vs. Programs
(Luke 15)
T Team is the description that every person is a valuable. We value spiritual giftedness, team ministry, and diversity, all while believing God for guidance (Roman 12:3-8)

Our church seeks to glorify God by reaching people for Christ. Ministering to the needs of all, providing opportunities for people to grow in Christ while enjoying the Fellowship of one another in worshipping together.
Worship Service
Sunday 8:00am -
Fulfillment Hour
Sunday 10:00am
Enrichment Hour
Wednesday 7:00pm
Lord Supper Service
1st Sunday 8:00am
3310 Moores Lake Rd Dover, FL 33527